R. Br. ex Rich. 1826. TAXODIACEAE - kuningamija 3 najvažnije svojte
2. Cunninghamia konishii Hayata - velika (gorostasna) kuningamija
3. Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook. - kineska oštra kuningamija - ili kineska jela
sin: Cunninghamia sinensis Rich.
lanceolátus, a, um, prid. - kopljast
– kuningamija (ili kineska jela)
Prirodno stanište: dolazi prirodno u južnoj i središnjoj Kini i to u gorskim predjelima do 1300 m nadmorske visine. U svijetu se uzgaja kao ukrasna biljka.
Kratki opis: naraste i do 25 metara, ali takva su stabla jako stara i prirodne populacije. Krošnja je čunjasta, kora smeđa, ljuskava, drvo crvenkasto. Grane na mladim biljkama su u pršljenovima, a na starim nepravilno poredane. Novi izgojci su svjetlo zeleni, a kasnije tamno zeleni. U zimi dobiju crvenkasto smeđkastu boju, dok dolaskom proljeća ta se bolja miješa u prekrasne zeleno-naranđasto-smeđe tonove. Sa gornje strane list je sjajan, srpastog oblika, oštar i pikav, kožast i tvrd. Na donjoj strani ima dvije široke bjelkaste pruge. List je i do 7 cm dug i oko 5 mm širok. Češeri su jajoliko okruglasti, zelenkasti, do 5 cm dugački, a biljka dobro rodi nakon cca 15-ak godina starosti. Beru se u kasnu jesen i dugo ostaju na stablu ne otvoreni. Drvo je vrlo mirišljavo i vrlo trajno.
Razmnožavanje: kuningamija se razmnožava reznicama, iz sjemena ili izbocima iz korijena. Općenito se razmnožava dosta lako. Reznicama se razmnožava kao i sve četinjače, a izbojcima iz panja na taj način što se odkopa i odreže izbojak sa nešto žila i presadi. Ako se dio grane zatrpa zemljom na tom će mjestu biljka pustiti žile i na taj se način može dobiti nova biljka. Iz sjemena su najljepše biljke. Sjeme se može (ali i ne mora) namočiti u mlakoj vodi nekoliko sati i staviti vrlo plitko u kompost. Treba ga držati na sobnoj temperaturi i da ima dovoljno vlage. Kada biljke proklijaju treba ih odvojiti u zasebne kontejnere. Ovakav način razmnožavanja ima posebne čari, jer se može pratiti razvoj biljke od klijanja do izrastanja.
Uzgoj: biljka voli zaštićeni prostor, dakle polusjenu, ali joj odgovara vlažno i duboko tlo – no to nije uvjet. Biljka sasvim dobro raste na svim podlogama, osim na neplodnom pijesku ili kamenjaru. Podnosi vrlo niske temperature pa je prikladna i za klimu kontinentalnog dijela Europe. Kada se nalazi na jakom suncu i visokim temperaturama može doći do sušenja mladih izbojaka, stoga ako je na takvom mjestu treba ju obilno ujutro i naveče cijelu polijevati pa će joj se pomoći u tom periodu. Može se uzgajati i u kontejnerima (cvjetnjacima) ali tada će joj se ponešto usporiti rast. Kuningamija raste relativno brzo u prostoru, a ako se u početku ne formira centralno stablo (vezivanjem za potporanj) može rasti u obliku nepravilnog simpatičnog grma i kao tipična vrsta. Prilikom stavljanja u prostor potrebno je voditi brigu da se smjesti negdje u pozadinu, iza svih biljaka jer će nakon desetak i više godina izrasti u krasnu nešto veću formu. No, biljka odlično podnosi orezivanje pa ju je moguće smjestiti bilo gdje, ali ju se mora i održavati. Tijekom godine biljka ne traži mnogo. Potrebno ju je redovito zalijevati, a povremeno tijekom ljeta nekoliko puta prihraniti folijarnim gnojivom (preko lista), a površinu zemljišta oko biljke držati uredno, sad da li bila trava, malč ili što drugo – kako bi biljka došla do izražaja.
Kultivari: poznato je više kultivara kuningamije, a spomenimo samo kultivare 'Compacta' i 'Glauca'. Ovaj prvi nema vrši izbojak, dok su kod drugog iglice više plavkaste boje. Postoje još i kultivari 'Samurai', 'Chason's gift', 'Little Leo' itd.
Izvor svih fotografija: B. Begović (Hrvatska 2008/2009.)
(Engleski rezime - Izvor: http://www.conifers.org/cu/cun/index.htm)
Common names
China fir, KOYO-ZAN ZOKU (Japanese) (Walker 1976), shan mu (Chinese) (Wu and Raven 1999), Sa moc, Sa mu (Vietnamese) (FIPI 1996).
Taxonomic notes
Until 1999, Cunninghamia was generally regarded as consisting of two extremely similar species, C. konishii of Taiwan and C. lanceolata of mainland Asia. However, analysis of chloroplast DNA for samples from 4 different sources in mainland China and 4 different sources in Taiwan has shown that both "species" were paraphyletic (Lu et al. 1999). The recent Flora of China (Wu and Raven 1999) treats lanceolata and konishii as varieties of C. lanceolata. That distinction is made here as well, but the findings of Lu et al. (1999) suggest that even a varietal distinction may not be supported, and further analyses may reduce lanceolata and konishii to the status of ecotypes, or may suggest an alternative organization of the populations.
Cunninghamia R. Brown ex Richard & A. Richard in A. Richard 1826 is thus a monotypic genus represented by C. lanceolata (Lambert) Hooker 1827. It has two varieties, C. lanceolata var. lanceolata and C. lanceolata var. konishii (Hayata) Fujita.
Synonymy for var. lanceolata: Pinus lanceolata Lambert 1803, Belis jaculifolia Salisbury, B. lanceolata (Lambert) Hoffmannsegg, Cunninghamia chinensis de Vos, C. lanceolata var. corticosa Z.Y. Que & J.X. Li, C. sinensis R. Brown ex Richard & A. Richard, C. unicanaliculata D.Y. Wang & H.L. Liu, C. unicanaliculata var. pyramidalis D.Y. Wang & H.L. Liu; ?Larix chinensis Miller (1768) not Beissner (1896), Raxopitys cunninghamii J. Nelson (Wu and Raven 1999).
Synonymy for var. konishii: Cunninghamia konishii Hayata 1908, C. kawakamii Hayata (Wu and Raven 1999).
Trees to 50 m tall and 300 cm dbh, with conical or pyramidal, dark green crowns. Bark dark gray to dark brown, or reddish brown, longitudinally fissured, cracking into irregular flakes and exposing a aromatic, yellowish or reddish inner bark. Branches whorled, spreading, pendulous at the ends. Leaves stiff, densely and spirally arranged, but spreading in 2 ranks, glossy deep green adaxially, narrowly linear-lanceolate, straight or slightly falcate, 0.8-6.5(-7) cm × 1.5-5 mm, midvein green abaxially, 0.3-1.2 mm wide, flat with median longitudinal keel throughout, stomatal bands present on both surfaces, bands on adaxial surface 0.5-1.5 mm wide, of 7-28 rows of stomata, white powdery or not, bands on abaxial surface 1.2-2.8 mm apart, 0.3-0.8(-1) mm from leaf margin, not or rarely white powdery, base decurrent, margin denticulate, sometimes indistinctly so, especially on old trees, with 18-55(-90) teeth per side, apex usually symmetric and spinescent, spine 0.3-2 mm. Pollen cone fascicles terminal, 1-3(-5) together, broadly obovoid, each of 8-20 cones, occasionally a few also around base of seed cone; peduncle 2-4 mm; cones narrowly oblong-conical. Seed cones terminal, 1-4 together, at pollination shortly cylindric-ovoid, ca. 12 × 8 mm, green, later turning brown-reddish and becoming ovoid or subglobose, 1.8-4.5 × 1.2-4 cm; bracts coriaceous, glaucous or glossy, broadly ovate or triangular-ovate, base with short claw 1/5-1/2 × total length of bract, distal part gradually narrowed toward pointed apex, 1/14-1/5 × total length of bract. Seeds 3 per scale, dark brown, oblong or narrowly ovate, 5-6 × ca. 4 mm, narrowly winged laterally. Pollination Jan-May, seed maturity Aug-Nov, cotyledons 2 (Li 1975, Walker 1976, FIPI 1996, Wu and Raven 1999).
"A very variable species: specimens occur with spinescent or obtuse leaf apices and with or without white stomatal bands on the adaxial leaf surface. The latter character is at least partly dependent on the age of the tree and the position of the leaf on the tree: leaves exposed to sunlight have less conspicuous adaxial stomatal bands than those in shade, as do leaves of old trees. Variants also occur with strongly glaucous leaves" (Wu and Raven 1999).
Var. lanceolata | Abaxial stomatal bands of leaves with (14-)16-28 rows of stomata; seed cones 2.5-4.5 × 2.5-4 cm. | Var. konishii | Abaxial stomatal bands of leaves with 7-15(-20) rows of stomata; seed cones 1.8-3 × 1.2-2.5 cm. |
China, Vietnam, Laos, perhaps Cambodia; widely introduced in Japan, and widely planted throughout China, so that its original native distribution is not known.
Var. lanceolata occurs in China: Anhui, Fujian, Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang; Vietnam (N), and perhaps Cambodia and Laos. It is also widely introduced in Taiwan. Habitat includes forests, rocky hillsides and roadsides at 200-2800 m elevation (Wu and Raven 1999). It often grows as a forest dominant, and competes best on well drained sandy and loamy soils (FIPI 1996).
Var. konishii occurs in mixed broad-leaved forests or forms small pure stands, frequently associated with Chamaecyparis formosensis and C. obtusa var. formosana, often planted, at 1300-2000 m elevation in China: Fujian, C and N Taiwan, N Laos, and perhaps Vietnam (Wu and Raven 1999).
Big tree
The only tree for which I have seen a measurement is on ornamental specimen in Capitol Park, Sacramento, California which was 31.7 m tall and 88 cm dbh (104 feet tall and 108.75 inch girth) in 2007 (Arthur L. Jacobson e-mail 2007.08.24).
Oldest Dendrochronology Ethnobotany
The wood is pale yellow to white, density 0.4-0.5, soft but durable, easily worked, and resistant to insects and termites. It is used in house-building, for furniture, floor, panels, packaging, and coffins. It is suitable for reforestation and planting along the roads of mountainous provinces, in subtropical evergreen, coniferous and mixed broad-leaved forests (FIPI 1996). It is the most important fast-growing timber tree of the warm regions S of the Chang Jiang valley; it is propagated by seed, cuttings, or suckers. The wood is strongly resistant to rot, is not eaten by termites, and is easily worked; it is used in constructing buildings, bridges, ships, and lamp posts, in furniture manufacture, and for wood fiber (Wu and Raven 1999).
Var. lanceolata:
Fairly common in the mountains of Sichuan, e.g. the ranges east of the Dadu River (where I have seen it).
Taroko National Park in Taiwan also looks like an interesting place to see it. Other Taiwan locations, recorded in the HAST Database, include:
Hualien Xian: Taroko National Park: en route from Hsinpiyang to Pilu. Elevation 1500-2050 m.
Xinchu Xian: Wufeng Hsiang: between Tuchang and Kuanwu. Broadleaf forest; vast slope cleared for Prunus orchard. Elevation 1300 m.
Nantou Xian: Jenai Hsiang: National Chung Hsing. University Hui-Sun Experimental Forest. Along the forest road to Tang-kungpei; mixed coniferous-broadleaf forest. 121°02'17"E, 24°05'20"N. Elevation:600-800 m. Forest roadside. Plantation tree ca. 15-20 m tall; DBH ca. 10-20 cm cone ca. 2.5 cm diameter.
Var. konishii:
N Laos (Houa phan province) has one location, in a small pure stand of montane forest.
In Vietnam, specimens have only been collected at Bu Huong mountain (Nghe An prov.), in dense subtropical forest, mixed with Fokienia hodginsii, Dacrydium elatum, and Quercus bambusaefolia (FIPI 1996).
For Taiwan, the HAST Database reports the following collections:
Miaoli Xian: Kuanwu. Specimens collected from cultivated trees. Elev 2000 m.
Xinchu Xian: Wufeng Hsiang: Shihlu Village. Secondary broadleaf forest. 121°19'15"E, 24°05'52"N. Elevation 1485-1565 m. At edge of Cryptomeria plantation. Tree ca. 2 m tall; cones immature, green.
Ilan Xian: Tatung Xiang: Chilanshan. near the river valley by 170 forest Rd. 1/2 K. Elevation 1800 m. In Cunninghamia konishii cut over forest. Tree ca. 70 cm dbh.
Named for James Cunningham, who discovered C. lanceolata in China in 1702 (Walker 1976).
See also
Farjon 2005 (as two species).
Luu and Thomas 2004, who treat var. konishii as a species, provides a more current description, range map, conservation status, drawings and photos, and a wealth of additional information on it.
Mueller-Starck, G. and Liu Y.Q. 1988. Genetics of Cunninghamia lanceolata Hook: 1. Genetic analysis. Silvae Genetica 37(5-6):236-243.
Mueller-Starck, G. and Liu Y.Q. 1989. Genetics of Cunninghamia lanceolata Hook. 2. Genetic variation within and between two provenance samples. Silvae Genetica 38(5-6):172-177.
Yeh F.C., Shi J., Yang R., Hong J. and Ye Z. 1994. Genetic diversity and multilocus associations in Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook from the People's Republic of China. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 88(3-4):465-471.
Lu SY, Peng CI, Cheng-YP, Hong KH, Chiang TY. Chloroplast DNA phylogeography of Cunninghamia konishii (Taxodiaceae), an endemic conifer of Taiwan. Genome 2001 (in press) [SCI]"
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